Hi! Your sims are soooo realistic and so good! I’m so impressed! I’ve been meaning to ask if you could (only if you want and have the time) make Nina Dobrev, RDI and Chloe Bennet? I’ve never seem sims of them with very realistic characteristics like your sims, again, only if you want. Thanks! :)

Hey, anon! Thank you very much for your message, it’s really sweet, but unfortunately I’m not taking sims requests ATM. RL is kinda kicking my ass right now 😦

I like your hair retexture will you do the Sintiklia Mermaid lo and Simpliciaty Venus too and please fix the mash that make my sims with no hair pleasessssss *puppy eyes*

Hello, anon! Thank you for your message!

As far as the retextures are concerned, sure, I’ll do my best! Just so you know, MrsM’Quve recently retextured Simpliciaty Venus with Io’s textures. You should definitely check her blog out as well 🙂 

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to lower polycounts on meshes. Maybe you could try posting a request on GOS in the Wishing Tree section? There are many talented creators who know how to work with hair meshes, sadly I am not one of them.

I have a problem with the Anya Taylor Joy sim, she’s not showing up on my game, I opened the bodyshop and she’s there but everytime I open my game she won’t show up. I even tried removing all my cc and just installing the sim and still not working. Does anyone have the same problem or is it just me? :(

Thank you for letting me know about this! Apparently I messed up a bit and accidentally made her a young adult sim instead of an adult one 😦 I’ve updated the file, so if you want you can redownload her, or just age her up in Bodyshop. Sorry about the confusion!