replied to your post “Movies meme!”

I’ve not seen the 2nd one but you have piqued my interest! I just Googled it and it looks very much like my kind of movie.

Yay! I really hope you like it! It holds a special place in my heart because seeing it on TV back in 2004 got me interested in movies in the first place.

Also, between this movie, the first one in my list (awesome but NSFW trailer here) and Son of Saul, Hungarian cinema is looking pretty awesome!

Movies meme!

Tagged by @sariadeea ❤ thank you!

Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite movies of all time. They don’t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.

I taaaag…. @isamajor, @marvelann, @esotheria-sims, @blackswan-sims​ and @digitalangels​ 🙂

Cheating and adding one not-so-honourable mention, because I really dislike that movie but it looks so, so very pretty:

Sintiklia Mermaid and Simpliciaty Venus in Io’s textures

Both meshes work for ages child-elder, with elders turning grey. Colour palette here. Credits go to Sintiklia and Simpliciaty for the meshes, Eir-ung and Amidalasims respectively for the conversions, Io for the textures, Pooklet, hat-plays-sims, Io and digitalangels for the colours.

Sintiklia Mermaid: SFS // Google Drive

Simpliciaty Venus: SFS // Google Drive

20 questions

Thank you for the tag, @nintendolover13! ❤

Rules: Answer all 20 questions and tag 20 people.

Name: Ruxi

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Height: 163 cm

Languages Spoken:  Romanian and English. I can understand some French, but I can’t speak it much beyond the basics, unfortunately 😦

Nationality: Romanian

Favorite Fruit: Watermelon! 😀

Favorite Scent: Freshly roasted coffee. I don’t really drink a lot of coffee, but the smell of roasted coffee beans is one of the most pleasant ones I can think of.

Favorite Color: Tie between emerald green, cobalt blue and black (but most likely it’s black. I fell in love with it at 13 and never looked back. Like, 70% of my wardrobe is black ffs)

Favorite Animal: Dogs, I think? I love most animals though.

Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate? Earl Grey tea, milk, one sugar. Better if shared with a friend or loved one 🙂

Favorite Fictional Character: Daria Morgendorffer, maybe? IDK. 

Dream Trip: Oh, maaaan. I have a list of places I want to visit within my lifetime, hopefully I’ll manage to see at least half. Top of my list would be one of those tropical white sandy beaches, like in the Seychelles maybe? And I want to take my fiance to the Okinawa aquarium one day, apparently it’s one of the largest ones in the world.

When was your blog created? February 2012

Last Movie You’ve Seen: I saw 303 at a local film festival. It was alright. Kinda reminded me of Before Sunrise in some aspects. 

Song You’ve Had on Repeat: All Flowers in Time Bend Towards the Sun – Jeff Buckley & Elisabeth Fraser 

Favorite Candy: Right now it’s Haribo Gummy Bears. But honestly I prefer salty snacks. I’m pretty much addicted to crisps 😛

Favorite Holiday: Haven’t cared much about holidays lately. 

Last Book You’ve Read: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks. It was alright, but felt a bit pretentious at times.

Favorite TV Show: Haven’t watched many lately. I’ve been enjoying the occasional episode of 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown though.

Who’d You Most Like to Have Lunch With? My two best friends currently living pretty much on the other side of the country. I haven’t seen them since Christmas and I miss both terribly.

Tagging @marvelann, @katatty, @digitalangels, @esotheria-sims, @mrs-mquve-cc, @blackswan-sims, @mdpthatsme, @isamajor, @ove51, @whysim… IDK really anyone and everyone who wants to do this 🙂