Tips for making sims of real people I guess?

Requested by @jiyngz​. A small list under the cut, using examples from my personal experience. I’m no authority on the matter, this is just what worked for me 😛

1) Picking your reference pics: if you’re a big stickler for accuracy, this’ll be an issue. I personally go for candid shots, and pics where the subject is wearing as little makeup as possible. The more angles the better. Stuff like staged lighting, Photoshop/filters abuse, people only showing their “one good side” in pictures, and makeup are all nice photography tricks that WILL throw you off. Angles matter, facial hair matters, age really matters.

2) Use custom sliders, they are made of magic and unicorns.

3) Use face sculpting blushes and makeup if necessary, they’re a huge help.

4) Use a base sim that seems close to what you want your final sim to look like – this will not always work out the way you thought it would and that’s fine. 

5) If you can’t quite get a feature to look right and you feel the sliders aren’t helping, try blending in a bit from a BG/default/non-default face template, it’s surprisingly helpful.

6) In my experience, sometimes, individual features may end up looking right, but the face as a whole looks a bit mask-like and unnatural. In that case, again, try to blend in a BG/default/non-default face template (this time the whole face, not just separate bits). My defaults help me a lot with softening out features and making faces feel a bit more proportionate.

7) Save often. It doesn’t only ensure that no changes are irreversible, but also resets the sliders, allowing you to play around with features some more.

8) Take a break if you need to. It took me forever to get certain sims looking the way I wanted them to. Take a break, do something else for a while or sleep on it, and try not to let frustration get to you. 

That’s pretty much it! Hope this helps!

hey! i love your sims, they are so pretty and I was wondering if you could give me some tips of how to make a celeb sim? recently I had been trying to create G-Dragon from BigBang and even after 3 tries I managed to fail completely, also please let me know if you have some good cc for creating asian sims? tysm!

Hello! Thanks for the kind words 🙂 I was going to answer this in one post at first, but then decided to split it in half to make everything easier to read. 

About the asian sim CC, honestly, I don’t have a lot of experience with that, so I’m not the best person to ask. Off the top of my head, though? 

  • Sims Cave “Asian Sites Stuff” board is awesome, they’ve reuploaded a bunch of CC made by asian creators, including clothing, makeup, genetics etc. 
  • 0201-sims/damaskwallpaper/Cassis has some rad stuff on her tumblr
  • Digital Angels also has a lot of awesome stuff that I think fits the description. 
  • Ephemera/teru_k had a lot of nice CC, some of their sets were super hard to find. 
  • Sims2Heaven had some nice stuff, I went on a download binge there back in the day.

I’m absolutely sure there’s other awesome asian TS2 CC makers out there, but I’m honestly not that familiar with them. 

As for what CC I use when I make asian looking sims, I honestly just focus on getting their features right. I also use monolid eyeshadows on them if necessary – sets like Lilith’s (1, 2), Nabila’s, Digital Angels’, Maaron’sIo’s, Cyranocratical/ergo-cyn’s (1, 2) and Cassis’.  
So… yeah. I hope this helps at least a little! Tips about making sims using pictures of real people as reference will be a separate post because those will take a while.

Hi! Your sims are soooo realistic and so good! I’m so impressed! I’ve been meaning to ask if you could (only if you want and have the time) make Nina Dobrev, RDI and Chloe Bennet? I’ve never seem sims of them with very realistic characteristics like your sims, again, only if you want. Thanks! :)

Hey, anon! Thank you very much for your message, it’s really sweet, but unfortunately I’m not taking sims requests ATM. RL is kinda kicking my ass right now 😦

An update of sorts

So yeah, I’m still around. Stuff has been a bit rough in RL (work stuff, wisdom tooth extraction stuff etc), which is why I haven’t posted much. 

As for the requests I’ve received, right now I have about 6 celeb sims on my “To Do” list. I will try to get those done and posted as soon as I can, but they are the last celeb sims requests I’ll be fulfilling. I’m a bit burned out on those, and lately I’ve felt a bit more like playing the game itself rather than spending hours in Bodyshop. Sorry!

Top 10 games

Tagged by @yakumtsaki – Thank you! totally didn’t have a complete fangirl moment when I saw you tagged me, nope, not me

Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite games of all time. They don’t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.

I was a bit late posting this, so tagging anyone and everyone who wants to join in 😀

Also, I’m cheating and splitting this into two lists. The first – games I play(ed) and love.


Second list is games I have seen played (mostly by LPers) and loved, and hopefully might play myself one day.
