An update of sorts

So yeah, I’m still around. Stuff has been a bit rough in RL (work stuff, wisdom tooth extraction stuff etc), which is why I haven’t posted much. 

As for the requests I’ve received, right now I have about 6 celeb sims on my “To Do” list. I will try to get those done and posted as soon as I can, but they are the last celeb sims requests I’ll be fulfilling. I’m a bit burned out on those, and lately I’ve felt a bit more like playing the game itself rather than spending hours in Bodyshop. Sorry!

Sia Furler Sim

As requested. Skin and eyes are geneticised and towniefied. CC list and Bodyshop pic included in .rar.

DOWNLOAD: SFS /// Google Drive

Brenton Thwaites Sim

Again, as requested. Skin and eyes are geneticised and towniefied. The hair in my pics is a default replacement of a basegame hair, so he might show up differently in your game. CC list and Bodyshop pic included in .rar.

DOWNLOAD: SFS /// Google Drive

If there are any issues with the uploads, please let me know. Enjoy!

Top 10 games

Tagged by @yakumtsaki – Thank you! totally didn’t have a complete fangirl moment when I saw you tagged me, nope, not me

Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite games of all time. They don’t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.

I was a bit late posting this, so tagging anyone and everyone who wants to join in 😀

Also, I’m cheating and splitting this into two lists. The first – games I play(ed) and love.


Second list is games I have seen played (mostly by LPers) and loved, and hopefully might play myself one day.


replied to your post “Movies meme!”

I’ve not seen the 2nd one but you have piqued my interest! I just Googled it and it looks very much like my kind of movie.

Yay! I really hope you like it! It holds a special place in my heart because seeing it on TV back in 2004 got me interested in movies in the first place.

Also, between this movie, the first one in my list (awesome but NSFW trailer here) and Son of Saul, Hungarian cinema is looking pretty awesome!

Movies meme!

Tagged by @sariadeea ❤ thank you!

Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite movies of all time. They don’t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.

I taaaag…. @isamajor, @marvelann, @esotheria-sims, @blackswan-sims​ and @digitalangels​ 🙂

Cheating and adding one not-so-honourable mention, because I really dislike that movie but it looks so, so very pretty: